Logo Paillette geht immer

Paillette geht immer

The show of Jurassica Parker: Paillette geht immer- BKA-Theater
Copyright: Jurassica Parker

The show of the Berlin drag queen Jurassica Parka at the BKA Theater

“Paillette geht immer” is the entertaining late-night show by Berlin drag queen Jurassica Parka at the BKA Theater in Kreuzberg. The show offers high-class entertainment with a touch of provocation and humor. Experience a mixture of glamor, comedy and quick-witted dialog that is guaranteed to make for unforgettable evenings.

Admission: Tickets from 22 EUR

opens 23:00h
from 23:00 until open end
Recommended by Tobi
My entertainment tip at the BKA Theater. The show guarantees a lot of fun - from sexy to dirty, from cultural to transsexual, from famous to embarrassing.

Experience reports and recommendations

Jurassica Parkers Late Night Show at the BKA Theatre
"Paillette geht immer": Tobi visits Jurassica Parker's Late Night Show
My entertainment tip at the BKA Theater. The show is entertaining and guarantees a lot of fun - from sexy to dirty, from cultural to transsexual, from famous to embarrassing, everything is there!
Gay Shopping - Brunos Store Berlin
Fashion made in Berlin: The Gay label´s Homebase
The German capital is a gay shopping paradise. Some of the gay world´s most popular brands and designs were born here. Check out the city´s top labels.
gay shopping tour Berlin
Gay Shopping in Berlin - men's fashion & sexy underwear
The German capital offers an unlimited amount of great gay shops, boutiques and stores. Find out where to buy hot sportswear, sexy undies and amazing toys.

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin

Nachtschwärmer @ Boiler
Logo Nachtschwärmer @ Boiler

Nachtschwärmer @ Boiler

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Your sauna evening for only 18 EUR! From Sunday to Thursday from 10:00 pm you have reduced admission to Berlin's gay sauna.
Night owls @ Boiler Berlin: every Sunday to Thursday from 10:00 pm
Boyberry Lights Out Night - Gay Bar in Berlin
Logo Lightsout! @ Boyberry Berlin

Lightsout! @ Boyberry Berlin

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Lightsout! @ Boyberry Berlin: Every 2nd Tuesday - darkness, cruising & 2for1 drinks for boys under 30. Gay bar in Schöneberg with action!
Lightsout! @ Boyberry Berlin: Every 2nd Tuesday from 6:00 pm
Pepsi Boston Bar: Queer meeting place from Schwuz Berlin
Logo Pepsi Boston Bar

Pepsi Boston Bar

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
The queer hot spot in Berlin-Neukölln to drink, flirt and relax in a queer ambience with darkroom.
Pepsi Boston Bar @ Schwuz Club Berlin: Wednesday to Saturday from 7:00 pm
Mongay - Monday Gay Cinema Evening and Movies with Gay Lesbian Content
Logo MonGAY @ Kino International

MonGAY @ Kino International

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Every Monday Gay-Cinema and queer movies with gay and lesbian content. Many films in original version with German subtitles.
MonGAY @ Kino International: Queer Cinema every monday from 10:00 pm
Boiler - your gay sauna in Berlin - feel-good evening every Thursday
Logo Wohlfühl-Abend @ Boiler Berlin

Wohlfühl-Abend @ Boiler Berlin

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
On Wellness Thursday, there will be hourly infusions and treatments starting at 6 pm with great refreshments in between.
Feel-good evening in Boiler Berlin: Every Thursday between 8:00 and 10:00 pm
New Action Bar Berlin: Gay Fetish and Gay Cruising Bar in Berlin
Logo Cheap & Sexy Thursday

Cheap & Sexy Thursday

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Every Thursday it's Happy Hour. Between 22-24 there are cheap drinks at the New Action Berlin. No Dress Code
Cheap & Sexy Thursday @ New Action Berlin: Every Thursday between 10:00 pm and midnight
Inclusive Yoga for the LGBTQIA+ Community: Queer Yoga Berlin
Logo Queer Yoga Berlin - Kreuzkölln

Queer Yoga Berlin - Kreuzkölln

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Queer Yoga Berlin: Yoga in an inclusive LGBTQIA+ community. Relaxation, connection and freedom in every pose.
Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Every Monday 6:30 to 7:45 pm Level 1+2 and 8:15 to 9:30 pm Level 0+1
Saturday Night Fever @ Café/Bar Marienhof every Saturday
Logo Saturday Night Fever

Saturday Night Fever

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Your party evening starts in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg. The Saturday night party in the queer Bar Marienhof with cheap drinks & great DJs.
Saturday-Night-Fever @ Marienhof Berlin: Every Saturday from 7:00 pm to 3:00 am
Party at SchwuZ Berlin - main floor
Logo SchwuZ Queer Club

SchwuZ Queer Club

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
An institution of Berlin´s LGBT scene with changing parties, theme nights and cultural events.
TEDDY AWARD Welcome Party @ SchwuZ Queer Club: Friday February 14, 2025 from 11:00 pm