Logo Queer Yoga Berlin - Kreuzkölln

Queer Yoga Berlin - Kreuzkölln

Inclusive Yoga for the LGBTQIA+ Community: Queer Yoga Berlin
Copyright: Queer Yoga Berlin

Inclusive Yoga for the LGBTQIA+ Community: Queer Yoga Berlin

At Queer Yoga Berlin, everyone from the LGBTQIA+ community in Berlin is welcome to practice yoga together. Our Monday classes at the Center for Yoga and Voice in Kreuzkölln offer safe and supportive spaces. We practice power yoga in a flowing vinyasa style, combined with elements of functional training, pranayama, yin yoga and meditation. Our contemporary instruction of the asanas allows for an inclusive and safe practice for all. Join our inclusive yoga community!

Admission: one-way ticket 9 EUR, 5-person ticket: 40 EUR, 10-person ticket: 70 EUR

Closed - 
opens 18:30h
18:30 - 19:45
20:15 - 21:30
Recommended by Pinky
This location guarantees you can be who you are!

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin

Every third Monday - roller-skate disco night at SO36 Berlin
Logo Rollerskatedisko @ SO36

Rollerskatedisko @ SO36

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Monday it's Rollerdisko in the well-known SO36. With funk, hip-hop and rollerboogie you can do your rounds.
Rollerdisko @ SO36 Berlin: March 17, 2025, admission from 6:00 pm, roller skating dance class from 8:30 pm, party from 9:00 pm
Sonntagsclub - Every 3rd Monday meeting point of the bear community
Logo Kerle- und Bären Stammtisch

Kerle- und Bären Stammtisch

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
The third Monday is the evening at the Sunday club for bears, guys and their friends. Meet like-minded people from the bear community.
Guys and Bears Regulars' Table @ Sunday Club Berlin: Every 3rd Monday from 7:30 pm
The Boiler gay sauna in Berlin: earlycomer admission
Logo Frühkommer @ Boiler Berlin

Frühkommer @ Boiler Berlin

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
It's worth coming early! From Monday to Friday between noon and 2:00 pm the entrance fee to Berlin's gay sauna is only 18 EUR.
Frühkommer @ Boliler Berlin: Monday to Friday from noon to 2:00 pm
Theater im Keller - Travesty Show in Berlin
Logo Theater im Keller Berlin

Theater im Keller Berlin

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Travesty theater in Berlin Neukölln - Best of Travestieshow
Circus of Travesty: every Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 6:00 pm to midnight, the show starts at 8:30 pm
Dykes* @ Pepsi Boston Bar: lesbian night SchwuZ Queer Club
Logo Dykes* Gone Wild!

Dykes* Gone Wild!

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
The monthly lesbian evening for all Dykes*, Butches, Divas and their friends. Admission is free until 10:30 pm
Dykes* Gone Wild! - Party Edition @ Pepsi Boston Bar: Friday March 21, 2025 from 11:00 pm, admission from 10:00 pm
The HENGST @ Club Culture Houze - Tuesdays gay sex party in Berlin
Logo WellCUM in X-Berg

WellCUM in X-Berg

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
The party for gay and queer men on Thursday at Club Culture Houze. No dress code all fetishes welcome!
WellCUM in X-Berg @ Club Culture Houze: Every Thursday from 6:00 pm to 5:00 am
Buttcocks @ SchwuZ: gay party in Berlin Neukölln
Logo Buttcocks @ SchwuZ Queer Club

Buttcocks @ SchwuZ Queer Club

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Every last Saturday it's not just dancing and partying on the pop, house and disco floor, but also cruising & fun in the darkroom.
BUTTCOCKS @ SchwuZ Queer Club: Saturday March 29, 2025 from 11:00 pm to 8:00 am, admission from 10:00 pm
Gegen @ KitKat Club - The Queer Techno Party in Berlin
Logo Gegen Berlin

Gegen Berlin

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
The queer techno party on Fridays every two months at the infamous Kit Kat Club and other locations in Berlin.
Gegen Control @ KitKat Club Berlin: Friday March 14, 2025 from 8:00 pm to 9:00 am
Electric Monday: Every Monday at the KitKatKlub Berlin
Logo Electric Monday Berlin

Electric Monday Berlin

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Your Electric Monday: Every Monday there are best Deep House, Techno, Minimal and Electro Beats at KitKatClub Berlin.
Electric Monday Berlin @ KitKat Club: every Monday from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am