Logo Paillette geht immer

Paillette geht immer

The show of Jurassica Parker: Paillette geht immer- BKA-Theater
Copyright: Jurassica Parker

The show of the Berlin drag queen Jurassica Parka at the BKA Theater

“Paillette geht immer” is the entertaining late-night show by Berlin drag queen Jurassica Parka at the BKA Theater in Kreuzberg. The show offers high-class entertainment with a touch of provocation and humor. Experience a mixture of glamor, comedy and quick-witted dialog that is guaranteed to make for unforgettable evenings.

Admission: Tickets from 22 EUR

opens 23:00h
from 23:00 until open end
Recommended by Tobi
My entertainment tip at the BKA Theater. The show guarantees a lot of fun - from sexy to dirty, from cultural to transsexual, from famous to embarrassing.

Experience reports and recommendations

Jurassica Parkers Late Night Show at the BKA Theatre
"Paillette geht immer": Tobi visits Jurassica Parker's Late Night Show
My entertainment tip at the BKA Theater. The show is entertaining and guarantees a lot of fun - from sexy to dirty, from cultural to transsexual, from famous to embarrassing, everything is there!
Gay Party Calendar - Experience Berlin at the weekend!
Your Gay Party Calendar - Experience Berlin at the weekend!
Still not decided where to go to the party this weekend? Here are our gay party recommendations and tips from Friday to Sunday. The most important information at a glance:
Musical, show, theatre or concerts - Berlin's cultural life is incomparably diverse
Musical, show, theatre or concerts - Berlin's cultural life is incomparably diverse
Berlin is not only Germany´s but also Europe's most exciting cultural metropolis. The world and is home to a colorful entertainment scene.

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin

Diva Karaoke @ Tipsy Bear: every 2nd Thursday of the month
Logo Karaoke @ Tipsy Bear

Karaoke @ Tipsy Bear

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
DivaKaraoke Houstet by Lady Dina: Your queer karaoke evening every Thursday at Tipsy Bear Berlin.
Diva Karaoke @ Tipsy Bear: every 2nd Thursday from 7:30 pm, karaoke from 8:00 pm
Kaffeeklatsch mit Schlager
Logo Kaffeeklatsch mit Schlager

Kaffeeklatsch mit Schlager

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Queer bar in the rainbow neighborhood. Schlager coffee klatsch for relaxed Sundays. Enjoy kitschy hits, cold blondes & cocktails.
Kaffeeklatsch mit deutschen Schlagern @ Blond Berlin: Jeden Sonntag ab 17:00 Uhr
The HENGST @ Club Culture Houze - Tuesdays gay sex party in Berlin
Logo WellCUM in X-Berg

WellCUM in X-Berg

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
The party for gay and queer men on Thursday at Club Culture Houze. No dress code all fetishes welcome!
WellCUM in X-Berg @ Club Culture Houze: Every Thursday from 6:00 pm to 5:00 am
New Action Bar Berlin: Gay Fetish and Gay Cruising Bar in Berlin
Logo Lazy Sunday

Lazy Sunday

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Relaxed bar evening, fetish and gay cruising. The Fetish Cruising Bar at Nollendorfplatz invites you to a "Lazy Sunday" without dress code.
Lazy Sunday @ New Action Berlin: every Sunday from 10:00 pm
Boyberry Lights Out Night - Gay Bar in Berlin
Logo Lightsout! @ Boyberry Berlin

Lightsout! @ Boyberry Berlin

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Lightsout! @ Boyberry Berlin: Every 2nd Tuesday - darkness, cruising & 2for1 drinks for boys under 30. Gay bar in Schöneberg with action!
Lightsout! @ Boyberry Berlin: Every 2nd Tuesday from 6:00 pm
Sport Club @ Böse Buben: Sportswear and Sneakers Party in Berlin
Logo Sport Club @ Böse Buben

Sport Club @ Böse Buben

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Dei sex party for all sportswear and sneakers fans in Berlin. Dresscode: Skater, Soccer, Shorts, Trunks, Lycra
Sport-Club by Sneakfreaxx @ Böse Buben: Friday March 14, 2025 from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am
Girlstown Party - Lesbenparty in Berlin
Logo Girlstown Party

Girlstown Party

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Girls Town - the regular women's party for lesbians, inter-, trans- and bisexuals in Berlin Queer and gay friends are welcome!
GIRLS TOWN - the official FLINTA* Party @ MAAYA Berlin (Haubentaucher): Saturday April 12, 2025 from 10:00 pm
Boiler Berlin: the men's sauna in Berlin
Logo Aufgüsse @ Boiler Berlin

Aufgüsse @ Boiler Berlin

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Berlin's men's sauna. Changing infusions in the finishen sauna at every hour in the time from 6:00 to 10:00 pm.
Daily infusions @ Boiler Berlin: Monday and Friday between 5:00 and 9:00 pm (Except for special events)
Sexy-Music-Box @ Blond Bar Berlin: On Friday you are DJ
Logo Sexy-Music-Box


Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
On Friday you are DJ and have the party in the Blond Bar: Go to the jukebox and play your favourite music!
Sexy-Music-Box @ Blond: Every Friday from 8:00 pm