Logo Manhole @ Ficken 3000

Manhole @ Ficken 3000

Copyright: Ficken 3000

Manhole at Ficken 3000: Every Saturday

Every Saturday, Manhole Party at Ficken 3000 Berlin offers a vibrant atmosphere for anyone who wants to experience an exuberant night out. With driving beats, an energetic vibe and an open, informal environment, the party attracts a diverse crowd. The event is known for its wild, unfiltered energy and provides an unforgettable experience in the heart of Berlin's club scene.

Admission: until 11:00 pm 5 EUR, after 11:00 pm 8 EUR

Music: House, Techno

Closed - 
opens 22:00h
22:00 - 05:00
Recommended by Pinky
This location guarantees you can be who you are!

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin

queer garten
Logo queer garten

queer garten

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Queer Garten: The FLINTA* collective regularly hosts parties for queer women and non-binary people.
Queer Garten @ Weekend Club: no event
Queer Movie Night - once a month Gay Cinema in Berlin
Logo Queerfilmnacht Yorck Kinos

Queerfilmnacht Yorck Kinos

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Gay Cinema in Berlin: Once a month Queerfilmnacht shows gay/lesbian films before the official cinema or DVD launch.
Queerfilmnacht Berlin @ Delphi Lux Kino: Wednesday March 12, 2025 at 9:00 pm
CarneBALL bizarre @ Kitkat Club Berlin
Logo CarneBall Bizarre

CarneBall Bizarre

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
The queer-friendly party at the KitKatClub Berlin. The parties are permissive, multi-sexual and simply legendary. Dress code fancy!
CarneBall Bizarre - KitKatClubnight: Every Saturday (except special events) from 11:00 to 8:00 pm
On the 1st Friday/month party for men who like blowjob
Logo Such-Club @ Böse Buben

Such-Club @ Böse Buben

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Deepthroat & endurance: The sex party for men who like to blow! Day membership: €15 - incl. €5 drinks
Suck-Club @ Böse Buben Berlin: Every month on 1st Friday from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am
Mongay - Monday Gay Cinema Evening and Movies with Gay Lesbian Content
Logo MonGAY @ Kino International

MonGAY @ Kino International

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Every Monday Gay-Cinema and queer movies with gay and lesbian content. Many films in original version with German subtitles.
MonGAY @ Kino International: Queer Cinema every monday from 10:00 pm
Bear sauna evening @ Boiler Berlin - last Thursday of the month
Logo Bäriger Sauna-Abend @ Boiler

Bäriger Sauna-Abend @ Boiler

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Every last Thursday of the month the bear community meets for a wellness sauna evening at the Berlin Gay Sauna Boiler.
Bear sauna evening @ Boiler Berlin: Thursday March 27, 2025 from 5:00 pm to 11:30 pm
music of the 80s @ blond scene bar in the gay district of Berlin
Logo Wunschmusik der 80er

Wunschmusik der 80er

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Your scene bar in the gay district of Berlin. On thursday you can listen to the best music of the 80s from the jukebox.
Music of the 80s @ Blond: Every Thursday from 7:30 pm
GIN-Tag @ Marienhof
Logo GIN-Tag @ Marienhof

GIN-Tag @ Marienhof

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Tuesday night for all gin and tonic fans at Queer Bar Marienhof: All night gin long drinks from 5 EUR.
Gin Day @ Marienhof Berlin: (Drink Special Gin-Drinks) Every Tuesday from 7:00 to 11:00 pm
The show of Jurassica Parker: Paillette geht immer- BKA-Theater
Logo Paillette geht immer

Paillette geht immer

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
The show of the Berlin Drag Queen Jurassica Parka at the BKA Theater. From sexy to dirty, from cultural to transsexual.
Paillette geht immer @ Late Night-Show BKA Theater: Saturday March 15, 2025 from 11:59 pm, admission from 11:00 pm