Logo Kaffeeklatsch mit Schlager

Kaffeeklatsch mit Schlager

Copyright: Blond Bar

Sonntag im Blond: Kaffeeklatsch mit Schlager-Kitsch-Hits

Genießen Sie sonntags im Blond: Die queere Bar im Herzen des Regenbogenkiezes lädt ein zum entspannten Kaffeeklatsch mit Schlagermusik. Tauchen Sie ein in die bunte Atmosphäre der Gay Bar im Schöneberger Schwulenviertel und lassen Sie sich von den schillernden Schlager-Kitsch-Hits verzaubern. Ob nach einem heißen Wochenende oder für erfrischende Entspannung – hier erwartet Sie das passende, prickelnde Blonde oder ein exquisiter Sonntags-Cocktail. Der Eintritt ist frei, also schließen Sie sich der fröhlichen Gesellschaft an und lassen Sie den Sonntag stilvoll ausklingen.

Eintritt: Frei

Closed - 
opens 15:00h
15:00 - 04:00
Recommended by Pinky
This location guarantees you can be who you are!

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin

Pepsi Boston Bar: Queer meeting place from Schwuz Berlin
Logo Pepsi Boston Bar

Pepsi Boston Bar

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
The queer hot spot in Berlin-Neukölln to drink, flirt and relax in a queer ambience with darkroom.
Pepsi Boston Bar @ Schwuz Club Berlin: Wednesday to Saturday from 7:00 pm
Weekender @ Ficken 3000
Logo Weekender @ Ficken 3000

Weekender @ Ficken 3000

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Weekender! Enjoy excellent drinks, passionate sex and a good mood every Sunday. The perfect start to the week!
Weekender @ Ficken 3000: Every Sunday from 10:00 pm
Scream-Queens By Paypr and Krueger
Logo Scream-Queens By Paypr and Krueger

Scream-Queens By Paypr and Krueger

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
SCREAM QUEENS is the erotic horror drag show from Berlin. Raven Van Krueger and Toylette Paypr provide gruesome fun!
Scream Queens @ DNA. Art House: Friday March 21, 2025 from 6:30 pm, show 7:30 pm
Sexy-Music-Box @ Blond Bar Berlin: On Friday you are DJ
Logo Sexy-Music-Box


Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
On Friday you are DJ and have the party in the Blond Bar: Go to the jukebox and play your favourite music!
Sexy-Music-Box @ Blond: Every Friday from 8:00 pm
Girlstown Party - Lesbenparty in Berlin
Logo Girlstown Party

Girlstown Party

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Girls Town - the regular women's party for lesbians, inter-, trans- and bisexuals in Berlin Queer and gay friends are welcome!
GIRLS TOWN - the official FLINTA* Party @ MAAYA Berlin (Haubentaucher): Saturday April 12, 2025 from 10:00 pm
On the 1st Friday/month party for men who like blowjob
Logo Such-Club @ Böse Buben

Such-Club @ Böse Buben

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Deepthroat & endurance: The sex party for men who like to blow! Day membership: €15 - incl. €5 drinks
Suck-Club @ Böse Buben Berlin: Every month on 1st Friday from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am
Blond - The gay bar in Berlin-Schöneberg
Logo Blond


Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
The gay bar in Berlin-Schöneberg. Café during the day with great cake specialities, bar in the evening with large cocktail offer.
open -  closes tomorrow 04:00h
20X20 @ Boyberry Berlin
Logo 20X20 @ Boyberry Berlin

20X20 @ Boyberry Berlin

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
+20 in your pants? The highlight at the Boyberry Bar Berlin: On the 20th of every month there's 3X1 for all those who have over 20cm.
20X20 @ Boyberry Berlin: Thursday March 20, 2025 from 6:00 pm
Bitch! The sex party at the Böse Buben - Playroom for men in Berlin
Logo BITCH! @ Böse Buben

BITCH! @ Böse Buben

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Fuck the BITCH! The regular sex party in Böse Buben Berlin. No dress code, but as hot and little as possible.
Club of Bitches! Sluts Sex Party @ Böse Buben: Saturday March 29, 2025 from 8:00 pm