Logo CarneBall Bizarre

CarneBall Bizarre

CarneBALL bizarre @ Kitkat Club Berlin
Copyright: KitKatClub

CarneBall Bizarre Saturday at KitKatClub Berlin

The special thing about KitKatClub is the mixture of people. Young and old, fat and thin, gay and straight, freak or bourgeois, unemployed and academics, all classes, generations and identities celebrate here together.

CarneBall Bizarre is the ultimate party at the legendary KitKatClub Berlin, which takes place every Saturday. Dive into a world of extravagance and sensuality. Besides the best house and electro music, the event also offers a sauna, a chill outdoor area by the pool and a playspace. The dress code is as extraordinary as the event itself. Kinky, fetish, gothic, patent & leather, costumes, glitter & glamour as well as elegant evening wear are in demand. Normal street clothes, jeans and sports shoes are strictly forbidden. KitKatClub is not an ordinary club, so respectful behavior is the top priority. Let yourself be carried away by the magic of CarneBall Bizarre and experience an unforgettable night in Berlin!

Admission: 20 EUR

Recommended by Pinky
This location guarantees you can be who you are!

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin

Electric Monday: Every Monday at the KitKatKlub Berlin
Logo Electric Monday Berlin

Electric Monday Berlin

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Your Electric Monday: Every Monday there are best Deep House, Techno, Minimal and Electro Beats at KitKatClub Berlin.
Electric Monday Berlin @ KitKat Club: every Monday from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am
PiepShow @Kitkat Club: Gay Party Berlin every last Friday of the month
Logo PiepShow @ KitKatClub

PiepShow @ KitKatClub

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
PiepShow: Berlin's most colorful QUEER TECHNO RAVE every last Friday at KitKatClub. For everyone who wants to dance with love & tolerance!
PiepShow - Your Queer Techno Rave @ KitKatClub Berlin: Friday March 28, 2025 from 8:00 pm
The Coven Bar: Stylish gay bar in Berlin
Logo Drinks & Cocktails @ TheCoven Bar

Drinks & Cocktails @ TheCoven Bar

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Stylish cocktail bar in Berlin Mitte for open-minded people. Very stylish, very dark and above all very masculine.
Closed -  opens today 20:00h
Nachspiel Sunday Afterhour at KitKatClub Berlin
Logo NachSpiel


Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Party every Sunday to the best electronic music or just chill by the pool. The AfterHour Party on Sunday - because Berlin never sleeps!
Nachspiel Sunday Afterhour @ KitKatClub: every Sunday, starting at 8:00 am
Saturday evening gay warm-up party at Blond Berlin
Logo Saturday Night Fever

Saturday Night Fever

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Your party starts in Schöneberg: The Warm up Party in the Blond provides party atmosphere with good music and the best cocktails in town.
Saturday Night Fever @ Blond: Every Saturday from 8:00 pm
LIQUIDROM Electro Vibes
Logo LIQUIDROM Electro Vibes

LIQUIDROM Electro Vibes

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Every Thursday at Liquidrom Berlin it's relax above and below water with soft downbeats and finest house vibes.
Electro Vibes with Maringo @ Liquidrom: Thursday March 13, 2025 from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Herrensauna Berlin
Logo Herrensauna Berlin

Herrensauna Berlin

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Big Rave Berlin at Berlin's Tresor club. Herrensauna: the hip club night in the techno scene.
Herrensauna @ Kreutzwerk Berlin: Saturday April 12, 2025 from 11:59 pm to 2:00 pm
Bitch! The sex party at the Böse Buben - Playroom for men in Berlin
Logo BITCH! @ Böse Buben

BITCH! @ Böse Buben

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Fuck the BITCH! The regular sex party in Böse Buben Berlin. No dress code, but as hot and little as possible.
Club of Bitches! Sluts Sex Party @ Böse Buben: Saturday March 29, 2025 from 8:00 pm
Every third Monday - roller-skate disco night at SO36 Berlin
Logo Rollerskatedisko @ SO36

Rollerskatedisko @ SO36

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Monday it's Rollerdisko in the well-known SO36. With funk, hip-hop and rollerboogie you can do your rounds.
Rollerdisko @ SO36 Berlin: March 17, 2025, admission from 6:00 pm, roller skating dance class from 8:30 pm, party from 9:00 pm