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SO36 Club

SO36 Club Berlins LGBTIQ Community Club in Kreuzberg

Events for and by lesbians and gays

The notorious venue SO36 in Kreuzberg is an institution of the queer subculture in Berlin. The events in SO36 are usually less commercialized and sexualized than gay mainstream events. SO36´ highlights are the Homoriental Party, Kiezbingo and the funny Bad Taste Party.

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin

Kaffeeklatsch mit Schlager
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Kaffeeklatsch mit Schlager

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
Queer bar in the rainbow neighborhood. Schlager coffee klatsch for relaxed Sundays. Enjoy kitschy hits, cold blondes & cocktails.
Kaffeeklatsch mit deutschen Schlagern @ Blond Berlin: Jeden Sonntag ab 17:00 Uhr
Weekender @ Ficken 3000
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Weekender @ Ficken 3000

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
Weekender! Enjoy excellent drinks, passionate sex and a good mood every Sunday. The perfect start to the week!
Weekender @ Ficken 3000: Every Sunday from 10:00 pm
Gegen @ KitKat Club - The Queer Techno Party in Berlin
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Gegen Berlin

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
The queer techno party on Fridays every two months at the infamous Kit Kat Club and other locations in Berlin.
Gegen Control @ KitKat Club Berlin: Friday March 14, 2025 from 8:00 pm to 9:00 am
Chantal's House of Shame - Gay Party on Thursday in Berlin
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Chantals House of Shame

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
Chantal presents: One of the capital's most legendary and popular gay parties every Thursday
Chantals House of Shame @ Lokschuppen Berlin: Thursday March 13, 2025 from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am
Drink & Cruise at Grosse Freiheit 114: Gay Bar in Friedrichshain
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Drink & Cruise @ Grosse Freiheit 114

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
Drink & Cruise @ Grosse Freiheit 114: Your Sunday in Berlin-Friedrichshain. Queer location with darkroom, free entry.
Drink & Cruise @ Grosse Freiheit 114: Every Sunday from 7:00 pm
Berghain/Panorama Bar: The best club in the world is located in Berlin
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Berghain / Panorama Bar

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
Berghain Berlin is one of the best techno clubs in the world. The parties are legendary and the door is feared.
Berghain club night: every Saturday from 11:59 pm until Monday morning
Schwuppen Express Pop-Party & Safe Space!
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Schwuppenexpress Party

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
Schwuppen Express on Tour in Berlin: your favorite pop party with the hottest beats of the 80s, 90s and 2000s.
Schwuppenexpress Berlin Party @ Privatclub Berlin: Saturday April 5, 2025 from 11:30 pm
Heile Welt - Gay / Lesbian Bar in Berlin Schöneberg
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Heile Welt

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
popular gay bar in the colorful rainbow district of Berlin-Schöneberg - drink cocktails, date men and meet friends at Nollendorfplatz
Closed -  opens today 20:00h
WARMup to Chantal
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WARMup to Chantal

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
Enjoy warm up drinks and start your Thursday night in the LGBTQ+ scene. Then head to the best gay party: Chantal's House of Shame.
Warm-Up to Chantals House of Shame @ Marienhof: Every Thursday from 7:00 pm