Logo Karaoke @ Tipsy Bear

Karaoke @ Tipsy Bear

Diva Karaoke @ Tipsy Bear: every 2nd Thursday of the month
Copyright: Tipsy Bear

Diva Karaoke @ Tipsy Bear: Sing your Song

Don´t be shy, Henny, Every Thursday, the friendly Gay Bar Tipsy Bear in Prenzlauer Berg invites you to a fun karaoke evening. Here everyone can freely sing their favorite song and rock the stage. As a small motivational aid at the beginning, every courageous “singer” receives a free shot. Although no star has yet been discovered here, there´s no better way to spend your Thursday evening.

Admission: 5 EUR

Closed - 
opens 18:00h
18:00 - 02:00
Recommended by Pinky
This location guarantees you can be who you are!

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin

Lick My Dick Party @ Ficken 3000 - Gay Party in Berlin
Logo Italo Disco @ Ficken3000

Italo Disco @ Ficken3000

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
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Logo Femme Top @ SchwuZ

Femme Top @ SchwuZ

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Betty F*** Berlin - Trendy gay scene bar in the heart of Berlin
Logo Betty F*** Berlin

Betty F*** Berlin

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Closed -  opens today 20:00h
Marietta Bar Berlin - gayfriendly bar in Prenzlauer Berg
Logo Marietta Café-Bar

Marietta Café-Bar

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
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Closed -  opens today 18:00h
Kaffeeklatsch mit Schlager
Logo Kaffeeklatsch mit Schlager

Kaffeeklatsch mit Schlager

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
Queer bar in the rainbow neighborhood. Schlager coffee klatsch for relaxed Sundays. Enjoy kitschy hits, cold blondes & cocktails.
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Electric Monday: Every Monday at the KitKatKlub Berlin
Logo Electric Monday Berlin

Electric Monday Berlin

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
Your Electric Monday: Every Monday there are best Deep House, Techno, Minimal and Electro Beats at KitKatClub Berlin.
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BUMP! @ SchwuZ Queer Club: Gay Party in Berlin
Logo Bump! - Back in Time

Bump! - Back in Time

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
The cult LGBT party in the SchwuZ: For more than 18 years it is called once a month 80's, 90's, 70's dance party.
BUMP! - Back in Time @ SchwuZ Queer Club Berlin: Saturday April 5, 2025 from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am, admission at 10:00 pm
Pepsi Boston Bar: Queer meeting place from Schwuz Berlin
Logo Pepsi Boston Bar

Pepsi Boston Bar

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
The queer hot spot in Berlin-Neukölln to drink, flirt and relax in a queer ambience with darkroom.
Pepsi Boston Bar @ Schwuz Club Berlin: Wednesday to Saturday from 7:00 pm
Menbers Party: monthly gay electro & techno party in Berlin
Logo MEMBERS Berlin


Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
The Members Gay Event starts with a new location. - electronic dance-music party in Berlin
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