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Schwuppenexpress Party

Schwuppen Express Pop-Party & Safe Space!
Copyright: Schwuppenexpress

Schwuppen Express Pop-Party & Safe Space!

Schw Schwuppen Express, your favorite pop party presented by @Konsi!uppen Express Party, presented by the legendary meme queen Konsi, cordially invites you to the unique Safe Space! This pop party is for all queers, friends & allies. Immerse yourself in the hottest beats of the 80s, 90s and 2000s, garnished with surprises. So get on the dance floor! Schwuppen Express is free of homophobia, sexism, racism and hate - a place to celebrate together! See you on the dance floor!

Admission: Early Bird Tickets 12 EUR

opens 23:30h
from 23:30 until open end
Recommended by Pinky
This location guarantees you can be who you are!

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin

Every Wednesday Bingo Party @ Blond - gay bar in Berlin-Schöneberg
Logo Bingo Party @ Blond

Bingo Party @ Blond

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Your bingo evening in the popular gay bar in Berlin-Schöneberg. Every Wednesday with lots of fun and great prizes.
Bingo Party @ Blond: Every Wednesday from 7:30 pm, except on public holidays or special events
Young Day @ Boyberry Berlin
Logo Young Day @ Boyberry Berlin

Young Day @ Boyberry Berlin

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Watch out boys! Every Tuesday there is 2for1 on drinks for all boys under 30. The Youngster Day at Boyberry Berlin.
Young Day @ Boyberry Berlin: Every Tuesday from 6:00 pm
Bitch! The sex party at the Böse Buben - Playroom for men in Berlin
Logo BITCH! @ Böse Buben

BITCH! @ Böse Buben

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Fuck the BITCH! The regular sex party in Böse Buben Berlin. No dress code, but as hot and little as possible.
Club of Bitches! Sluts Sex Party @ Böse Buben: Saturday March 29, 2025 from 8:00 pm
Gym Buddy @ SchwuZ
Logo Gym Buddy @ SchwuZ

Gym Buddy @ SchwuZ

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Queer sports party at the SchwuZ Queer Club! Sportswear party, grab your gym buddy and come along in your sports outfit.
Gym Buddy @ SchwuZ Berlin: Friday March 28, 2025 from 11:00 pm, admission from 10:00 pm
Gayhane @ SO36 - HomoOriental party for lesbians and gays in Berlin
Logo Gayhane House of Halay

Gayhane House of Halay

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
HomoOriental Party for lesbians and gays at SO36. The party with Turkish, Arabic but also Greek and Hebrew pop music.
Gayhane - QueerOriental Dancefloor @ SO36 Club: Saturday March 29, 2025 from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am
Woof Cruising Night: Berlin's international Cruising-Bar
Logo WOOF Cruising Night

WOOF Cruising Night

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
The Woof Bar in Berlin, the meeting place for bears and friends invites every Monday, Wednesday and Sunday to the Cruising Night.
Cruising Night @ Woof Berlin: Every Monday, Wednesday and Sunday from 9:00 pm
CarneBALL bizarre @ Kitkat Club Berlin
Logo CarneBall Bizarre

CarneBall Bizarre

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
The queer-friendly party at the KitKatClub Berlin. The parties are permissive, multi-sexual and simply legendary. Dress code fancy!
CarneBall Bizarre - KitKatClubnight: Every Saturday (except special events) from 11:00 to 8:00 pm
Manhole @ Ficken 3000
Logo Manhole @ Ficken 3000

Manhole @ Ficken 3000

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Manhole Party at Ficken 3000 Berlin: Every Saturday with a hot atmosphere, driving beats and exuberant partying until late into the night!
Manhole @ Ficken 3000 Berlin: Every Saturday from 10:00 pm
Cafe & Bar Himmelreich: Queer in Friedrichshain
Logo Bar-Abend @ Himmelreich

Bar-Abend @ Himmelreich

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
The gay and lesbian meeting place in Simon-Dach-Strasse. Every Monday chill bar evening in Friedrichshain with drinks and cocktails.
Monday Bar Evening @ Cafe-Bar Himmelreich: Monday from 6:00 pm to 2:00 am