Logo Drink & Cruise @ Grosse Freiheit 114

Drink & Cruise @ Grosse Freiheit 114

Drink & Cruise at Grosse Freiheit 114: Gay Bar in Friedrichshain
Copyright: Grosse Freiheit 114

Drink & Cruise at Grosse Freiheit 114: Gay Bar in Friedrichshain

Every Tuesday, this gay bar in Berlin-Friedrichshain invites you. The location offers an inviting atmosphere for queers and friends to meet and party. With a unique darkroom, the bar offers an exclusive experience for all guests. Admission is free, so you can have a carefree night with like-minded people. Experience the perfect combination of great drinks, good music and a friendly community.

Admission: Free

Recommended by Pinky
This location guarantees you can be who you are!

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin

Every third Monday - roller-skate disco night at SO36 Berlin
Logo Rollerskatedisko @ SO36

Rollerskatedisko @ SO36

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Monday it's Rollerdisko in the well-known SO36. With funk, hip-hop and rollerboogie you can do your rounds.
Rollerdisko @ SO36 Berlin: March 17, 2025, admission from 6:00 pm, roller skating dance class from 8:30 pm, party from 9:00 pm
On the 1st Friday/month party for men who like blowjob
Logo Such-Club @ Böse Buben

Such-Club @ Böse Buben

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Deepthroat & endurance: The sex party for men who like to blow! Day membership: €15 - incl. €5 drinks
Suck-Club @ Böse Buben Berlin: Every month on 1st Friday from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am
BUMP! @ SchwuZ Queer Club: Gay Party in Berlin
Logo Bump! - Back in Time

Bump! - Back in Time

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
The cult LGBT party in the SchwuZ: For more than 18 years it is called once a month 80's, 90's, 70's dance party.
BUMP! - Back in Time @ SchwuZ Queer Club Berlin: Saturday April 5, 2025 from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am, admission at 10:00 pm
Underwear- & Naked Cruising
Logo Underwear- & Naked Cruising

Underwear- & Naked Cruising

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
The highlight in XXL Berlin every last Thursday of the month. Dress code sexy underwear, jock or completely naked.
Underwear- & Naked Cruising Party @ XXL-Berlin: Thursday March 27, 2025 from 7:00 pm
Sonntagsclub - Every 3rd Monday meeting point of the bear community
Logo Kerle- und Bären Stammtisch

Kerle- und Bären Stammtisch

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
The third Monday is the evening at the Sunday club for bears, guys and their friends. Meet like-minded people from the bear community.
Guys and Bears Regulars' Table @ Sunday Club Berlin: Every 3rd Monday from 7:30 pm
Inclusive Yoga for the LGBTQIA+ Community: Queer Yoga Berlin
Logo Queer Yoga Berlin - Kreuzkölln

Queer Yoga Berlin - Kreuzkölln

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Queer Yoga Berlin: Yoga in an inclusive LGBTQIA+ community. Relaxation, connection and freedom in every pose.
Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Every Monday 6:30 to 7:45 pm Level 1+2 and 8:15 to 9:30 pm Level 0+1
Electric Monday: Every Monday at the KitKatKlub Berlin
Logo Electric Monday Berlin

Electric Monday Berlin

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Your Electric Monday: Every Monday there are best Deep House, Techno, Minimal and Electro Beats at KitKatClub Berlin.
Electric Monday Berlin @ KitKat Club: every Monday from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am
Friday Fick 2-4-1 at Lab Berlin - Gay Sex and Fetish Party
Logo Friday Fuck 2-4-1

Friday Fuck 2-4-1

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
The Friday party at Lab Berlin. Every Friday there is Fun and 2for1 Happy Hour - 2 drinks for the price of one all night. No dress code
Lab Birthday 2-4-1 @ lab.oratory: Friday March 14, 2025, admission between 10:00 pm and midnight
Gay Speed Dating Berlin: for gays and lesbians
Logo Gay Speed Dating Berlin

Gay Speed Dating Berlin

Gay Party Calendar & Dates for Berlin
Single in Berlin? Then come to Berlin's largest gay speed dating for gays or lesbians in your age group.
Gay Speed Dating Berlin for gays: Thursday, April 24, 2025 from 7:30 pm