Logo Queer Paradise by Joely White

Queer Paradise by Joely White

Queer Paradise @ Elfer Club: Queer and Friends Party in Frankfurt
Copyright: Queer Paradise

Queer Paradise @ Elfer Club: Queer and Friends Party in Frankfurt

Welcome to Queer Paradise, the hip LGBTQIA+ party series in Frankfurt am Main! Immerse yourself in a world of diversity and tolerance, where queers and their friends meet to pulsating beats. The dance floor shakes to rousing pop music, while breathtaking performance and dance shows light up the night. This unique cult party creates a space for love, acceptance and pure joie de vivre. Be part of this dazzling community and celebrate the colorful diversity of life. Queer Paradise - more than a party, a place of togetherness for everyone who celebrates love in all its facets.

Admission: Early Bird Tickets 12 EUR, Regular Ticket 15 EUR

Music: Pop, electro, trash pop

opens 22:00h
from 22:00 until open end
Recommended by Pinky
This location guarantees you can be who you are!

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin

Kinky Hub
Logo Kinky Hub

Kinky Hub

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
Kinky Hub: The ultimate Pride party for men only at CSD Berlin. Discover your kink side. Dress code: Your kink!
Kinky Hub @ Gretchen Club: Friday July 25, 2025 from 10:00 pm
Woof Berlin Gay Bar for Bears: Tuesday 2-4-1 Happy Hour
Logo 2 FOR 1 @ Woof Berlin

2 FOR 1 @ Woof Berlin

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
The gay bar for hairy men in Berlin. Every Tuesday from 9:00 pm Woof Special 2-4-1 Happy Hour Drinks.
2 for 1 Happy Hour @ Woof Berlin: Every Tuesday from 9:00 pm to Open End
Betty F*** Berlin - Trendy gay scene bar in the heart of Berlin
Logo Betty F*** Berlin

Betty F*** Berlin

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
Trendy gay scene bar in the heart of Berlin. Here you can find hot beats and cool drinks in a familiar atmosphere on only 45 sqm.
Closed -  opens today 20:00h
ELECTRONIC VIBES @ Connection Club: Gay Party Berlin
Logo Electronic Vibes @ Connection Club Berlin

Electronic Vibes @ Connection Club Berlin

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
Your party in Schöneberg: Every Saturday at Connection Club you can party to the finest tech house.
Electronic Vibes @ Connection Club: no event
every 3rd Saturday gay party Irrenhouse presented by Nina Queer
Logo Irrenhouse


Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
Monthly Gay Party - Nina Queer's fun party in Berlin's queer community. Summer Garden: OPEN AIR Cruising and Cocktails
IRRENHOUSE Party @ Club Cassiopeia Berlin: Saturday March 15, 2025 from 10:00 pm
queer garten
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queer garten

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
Queer Garten: The FLINTA* collective regularly hosts parties for queer women and non-binary people.
Queer Garten @ Weekend Club: no event
Bottle Wednesday at Grosse Freiheit 114: Queer Wednesday Night
Logo Bergfest @ Grosse Freiheit 114

Bergfest @ Grosse Freiheit 114

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
2 X 1 drinks @ Grosse Freiheit 114 Berlin Friedrichshain, queer-friendly atmosphere, darkroom, free entry.
Bergfest 2for1 @ Grosse Freiheit 114: Every Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Tasty @ SchwuZ Berlin - Gay Party - RnB, Pop, HipHop & Urban Sounds
Logo TASTY @ SchwuZ

TASTY @ SchwuZ

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
The monthly Queer-Party at SchwuZ Club with the best of RnB, Pop, HipHop & Urban Sounds.
Tasty Party @ SchwuZ Club Berlin: Friday March 14, 2025 from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am, Admission from 10:00 pm
CarneBALL bizarre @ Kitkat Club Berlin
Logo CarneBall Bizarre

CarneBall Bizarre

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Berlin
The queer-friendly party at the KitKatClub Berlin. The parties are permissive, multi-sexual and simply legendary. Dress code fancy!
CarneBall Bizarre - KitKatClubnight: Every Saturday (except special events) from 11:00 to 8:00 pm