Logo Ruben's Stuttgart

Ruben's Stuttgart

Ruben's Stuttgart: Bar-Bistro-Lounge of the LGBTQ+ Community in Stuttg
Copyright: Ruben's Stuttgart

Ruben's Stuttgart: Bar-Bistro-Lounge der LGBTQ+ Community in Stuttgart

Ruben's Stuttgart, im Herzen der Stadt gelegen, ist eine beliebte Bar, ein Bistro und eine Lounge für die LGBT-Community. In stilvollem Ambiente erwarten dich vielfältige Speisen und Getränke. Hier können alle, unabhängig von ihrer sexuellen Orientierung, leckere Burger und Cocktails genießen. Ruben's schafft eine gemütliche und offene Atmosphäre, in der sich jeder willkommen fühlt. Ein Ort, um gemeinsam zu verweilen, ob hetero, homo, bi oder trans. #RubensStuttgart

Eintritt: Frei

Closed - 
opens 12:00h
12:00 - 01:00
12:00 - 01:00
12:00 - 01:00
12:00 - 03:00
12:00 - 03:00
10:30 - 18:00
Recommended by Pinky
This location guarantees you can be who you are!

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Stuttgart

Zieglerkeller: queer bar, pub and club in Stuttgart
Logo K29 - Der Zieglerkeller

K29 - Der Zieglerkeller

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Stuttgart
Your community meeting place in Stuttgart. Rustic to partly trashy queer bar with a small club in the vaulted cellar.
Closed -  opens Friday 21:00h
KinkFactory - Fetisch and BDSM Party in Stuttgart
Logo KinkFactory


Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Stuttgart
The KinkFactory in Stuttgart: meeting place for the fetish and BDSM scene. Show yourself as a puppy, gearhead, rubber drone or leather guy.
KinkFactory XXL @ Proton Club Stuttgart: Saturday May 3, 2025 from 9:00 pm to 5:00 am
Monroe's Stuttgart: gay bar, parties and karaoke
Logo Café Monroes

Café Monroes

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Stuttgart
Monroe's Stuttgart is the place to go for the LGBT community in the heart of Stuttgart. Cozy gay bar on weekends with parties and karaoke.
open -  closes tomorrow 01:00h
Karaoke Night @ Ruben`S
Logo Karaoke Night @ Ruben`S

Karaoke Night @ Ruben`S

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Stuttgart
Karaoke Nights at Ruben's Stuttgart: the best atmosphere, rousing songs and great drinks every Thursday at the popular LGBT location!
Karaoke Night @ Ruben`S Stuttgart: Every Thursday from 8:00 pm
Fame Party: Gay Event in Stuttgart
Logo Fame Stuttgart

Fame Stuttgart

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Stuttgart
Gay event in Stuttgart. The FAME party has been one of the most successful and largest events in all of southern Germany for many years.
FAME Party XXL Stuttgart @ Proton The Club: Saturday April 19, 2025 from 11:00 pm
Jakob-Stube Stuttgart
Logo Jakob-Stube Stuttgart

Jakob-Stube Stuttgart

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Stuttgart
The Jakobstube in the middle of Stuttgart's old town is a small cozy pub and also a popular meeting place for the community.
open -  closes tomorrow 03:00h
Gay Party @ Zieglerkeller: Every 2nd Saturday of the month
Logo RETRO - K


Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Stuttgart
Every 2nd Saturday it's Queer Retro Party in the Gewölbekeller. Each date has a different motto!
retro-k - The retro party in the basement @ Zieglerkeller: Saturday March 8, 2025 from 10:00 pm to 4:00 am
Logo reBOOTS-Quiz


Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Stuttgart
The quiz night for the reBOOTS Saloon! Your Sunday evening in Stuttgart full of knowledge, fun and great insights!
Saoon quiz @ reBOOTS: Sunday March 16, 2025 from 19:00, quiz start 7:30 pm
Lovepop Stuttgart
Logo Lovepop Stuttgart

Lovepop Stuttgart

Gay Clubs, Gay Bars and Queer Parties in Stuttgart
Queer party in Stuttgart for open-minded people: Here you can dance on 2 floors to pop and lektronic music, house & techno.
Lovepop RetroKlub @ Romy S. Nightclub: Saturday March 22, 2025 from 10:00 pm to 5:00 am